in shreds

The country 's economy is in shreds .
That old book of yours is in shreds .
It was too seriously damaged that it was in shreds rip apart
She tore the letter in shreds ( Edith Wharton ) .
RAO : Well careers are in shreds and engagements been broken , some would say even lives have been ruined .
You can 't properly tear it ; if you do , it ends up in shreds .
He had on a long trench coat that was almost in shreds and a hat topped his head , pulled down so you could not see his face .
All the furniture was turned over , there were books and papers all over the floor , and the blanket they had covered him with was in shreds .
And Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper told The Sunday Times : If the only way to avoid a nightmare queue is to fork out over 1,000 extra , Britain 's reputation for travellers will be in shreds .
And Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper told The Sunday Times : " If the only way to avoid a nightmare queue is to fork out over £ 1000 extra , Britain 's reputation for travellers will be in shreds . "
H.E.Rounds , high-explosive -- used only in anti-material weapons , shreds a bulletproof vest like paper .
While the dough is fermenting , you can prepare the filling . Beat the sugar and butter until light . Add in egg and coconut shreds and stir until mixed .